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Help With Downloading To Quicken 2007 For Mac

Tomm36 wrote: Downloaded MountainLion w/o checking what programs would be dropped. Turns out i cannot open my Quicken For Mac 2005.

QuickenHelp With Downloading To Quicken 2007 For Mac

The Intuit web site states that Quicken 2007 has been tested on Vista and there are no Know issues. This is NOT true, the software works in some instances but for all intents and purposes on my system it doesn't work at all. Details: Quicken intstalled on my Windows Vista Business edition withoug incident. Quicken requires registration and the registration process fails consistently. Since I cannot register, I cannot go on-line to my financial institution. Quicken 2007 REFUSES to remember the current file and every time I start Quicken, I must tell it manually and specifially which file to open.

Attempts to backup using the Quicken softwqre the backup fails saying that it cannot open the source file. I am sure there are MANY other apects of the program that also do not work properly under Vista, but the above listed ones are enough to prevent me totally from trying to use the system. I contacted Quicken chat support and they stated clearly that Vista was not supported but they were working on it. I pointed out that the Intuit web site said that Quicken 2007 was OK for Vista and they said no it is not. The cannot/willnot help and I'm told I have to wait for developmental changes.

  1. Quicken is one of the few programs to generate a new version every year, and at first glance, Quicken Mac 2007 seems almost identical to the previous version ( ) except for the inclusion of the.
  2. Quicken 2007 Click the Download Free Trial button above and get a 14-day, fully-functional trial of CrossOver. After you've downloaded CrossOver check out our YouTube tutorial video to the left, or visit the CrossOver Chrome OS walkthrough for specific steps.

As of this moment, Quicken 2007 does not work (for me) in a Vista Business environment amd Intuit is of absoulutely no help in making it work. It seems to me that their 'testing' under Vista may have consisted of showing the Vista box to the developers and little if anything more. 2007-02-08 10:13:51 - Operating System/Rating: Windows Vista 64 Bit (x8664). When I am logged on as a standard user, I experience the same problems as others here. I have to tell it that I am already a Quicken user, thatI have a data file on the PC, and then tell it where the file is located.

When I try to update my accounts using One Step Update, the 'Quicken Launcher' crashes, and that's all she wrote. It looks to me that Quicken cannot run properly as a standard user, and instead requires the logged on user to be an admin.

2007-02-19 11:25:56 - Operating System/Rating: Windows Vista. I am running Quicken 2007 with Vista Ultimate Edition.

I am running into some problems with online services. I cannot download my transactions from my banking institutions. When I click on update nothing happens.(It looks like the process just hangs). I called customer Support (Intuit) and they said they wouldn't support Quicken with Vista as it had not been tested.) I was running it fine with Vista RC1 and RC2. I have however found that if I go to the website directly from IE I can download the transactions and then they are automatically entered into quicken. I am also having other problems on the bank site itself.

But I believe they are related to Vista and not to Intuit. 2007-03-04 10:10:07 - Operating System/Rating: Windows Vista. Windows Vista Ultimate. Quicken 2007 is very quirky. Do not under any circumstances apply the R4 patch on Vista Ultimate.

After it takes 20 full minutes of spinning(!) - on a 3ghz machine with 2gb ram(!) - the very first download from your bank results in need to accept downloaded transactions, but none appear in the register to accept(!) Worse, either the R4 update or the initial conversion of your 2006 files to 2007 format corrupts your c: users folder's security settings, all the way down through all the hundreds of subfolders. The R4 patch you can manually download has exactly the same problems as the automatic one.

Quicken For The Mac

The only safe way and I don't know how safe it really is, to use 2007 with Vista Ultimate is to take a system checkpoint, install 2007 WITHOUT accepting the R4 patch, convert your 2006 files, then restore the system checkpoint (to get your security settings back), then uninstall 2007 completely, then reinstall it WITHOUT the R4 patch. 2007-03-06 08:45:23 - Operating System/Rating: Windows Vista. Uninstall 2007 completely.

Then download the Microsoft Install cleanup utility. Run it and remove any Quicken entries. The hung-up install is what's causing you to be unable to run it.

Now boot the system and re-install 2007. DO NOT ACCEPT THE 'LATEST UPDATE' offering. 2007 will install and you can use it. The R4 patch applied by 'latest update' doesn't work with Vista Ultimate. Read the entry above about security corruption in the users folder and how to avoid it. 2007-03-16 11:18:57 - Operating System/Rating: Windows Vista. Can't get Quicken to print to two separate HP Printers (Photosmart 8150 and PSC1210).

Had no problems running under 32 bit Vista Ultimate. Did a clean install of 64 bit Vista Ultimate, loaded Quicken 2007 and can't get anything to print. The printer actually grabs the paper and advances to the top of the page and then just sits there. Technical support was no help. Had me trying to emulate other HP printers and yes, even some printers from other manufactures (like that was going to work). Has anyone else had similar problems? Seems strange that everything would work fine with 32 bit Vista Ultimate and not with 64 bit.

2007-03-19 18:55:30 - Operating System/Rating: Windows Vista 64 Bit (x8664). Windows Vista Premium has made my Quicken 2007 program useless. Even when I start the program with 'run as administrator', I get the start up menu and have to go through an install. Then it refuses to take updates even when I save the web connect file to the desktop and import.

Help With Downloading To Quicken 2007 For Mac

With Windows XP, neither of these problems occurred. Luckily for me, I have an old, slower computer with XP so I can continue to use my Quicken. Hopefully, this will get resolved by 2008, and I can then switch to my new computer. I am not impressed with the quality of help given by Intuit either over the phone or with the online chat.

Since these problems are so pervasive, you would think they would have been able to come up with a fix by now, or at least inform the user that this is a problem that many users are having. 2007-03-30 08:58:49 - Operating System/Rating: Windows Vista. Vist Ultimate and Quicken 2007 were not made for each other. Here the issue I have internet connection and when I click update (connection for bank not for R4) I get no internet connection detected box. When I click ignore the box pops back up I click ignore again and it connects to my bank and download.

I wrote this on the quicken foums and all they could do was complain that I didn't give them an error # because I didn't get one duh! So next time I press cancel and got error #67108866 no respones for anyone from quicken.

Quicken 2007 Support For Mac

I have no issues in XP so I can only assume it something different that Microsoft did with vista to cause this error. What ticks me off is Intuit seems not to care if their product work or is just blowing it off as user error! I been using quicken since quicken 2000. I use it for online banking with Bank of America. Called my bank they told me they weren't supporting Vista yet.

2007-07-13 10:14:39 - Operating System/Rating: Windows Vista. Running Vista Home Premium - Couple minor issues to report. 1) No sound on intial opening.

2) Keeps prompting me to update - If I update, the program stops working and won't open. The only way to fix it is to reinstall it. Trying to uninstall it doesn't work either however. I have to use the Windows Cleanup Utility and then reinstall.

Download Quicken 2007 For Mac

So now I don't update. I try and check the box that says 'Don't Remind Me Again.' , but it keeps on reminding me. Minor annoyances, but otherwise works fine.